Thursday 14 April 2016


Will H2i really give me loan?

At Helping Hands International we empower our members with business Loan, Assets and property loan, it is an Interest free loan with no collateral, it's part of your entitlement when you get to stage 4 and 5 – no gimmick, the loan is yours when you get there.
What is the maximum loan I can get?
As a Minister in stage 4 the loan due to you is up to $12,000 And at stage 5 after your 5th matrix is completely filled as a Prime Minister or at the end of the year(if you are yet to complete the stages) you get Elite club members loan up to $44,000. Your membership position as "Minister" or "Prime Minister" is your collateral which guarantee your access to these loan.
What is this Elite club about?
Helping Hands Elite Club is a cooperative of H2i earners. It is formed to boost members earning power and loan worthiness. The aim is to help members get a lump sum amount of loan without hassle or stress. Once a member contributes his part (1/3 of the loan) he is automatically qualify for this loan. This is meant to help members who wants to execute big projects, or for business expansion or to float a new business. This club membership is compulsory for all, but the level of membership varies, and that will determine how much you benefit and how much loan you are given. There two categories of membership and they are;

A. GOLD MEMBERS; Members in this category contributes 10% of their earnings at every stages as they progress from stage to stage. As a Gold members you are eligible for extra loan of up to $22,000. You get 3 times the amount contributed. For example; your total cash earning on matrix from stage 2 – stage 5 is $69,000 while your matching bonus for referring 2 is $5,200, this will give you a total cash earnings of $74,200. So your 10% contribution is $7420 which translate to loan of $22,260 that is the least you get when you refer only two.

B. DIAMOND MEMBERS; Diamond members contributes 20% of their cash earnings at every stage they attain. This category of members are eligible for bigger loan and are given swiftly without much ado, remember you get 3 times the amount contributed.

Additional Benefits For Diamond Members includes;
  1. Loan of up to $44,000
  2. Quarterly Business and leadership training
  3. Yearly gala night at Hawaii - U S A

NOTE: Elite club members' loan is granted yearly (at the end of the year) or after completing "Prime Minister's" stage, depending on which one comes first. From your stage 1 earning you will be prompted to register for Elite Club, there and then you will be asked to choose which category you will like to belong (gold-10% or Diamond – 20%) and that will always be your contribution per earnings.
How genuine is the FREE iPad and LAPTOP?
Every incentives in our compensation plan is authentic, we are not here for ourselves but for you, to empower you, to change your life and affect you positively. At stage 2 (Master's) we empower you with Brand new LAPTOP or iPad. You will have to choose either iPad or laptop and it will be delivered to you 3 weeks after your qualification (You can choose to pick it up in our regional office).
Will you pay for my Travel free of charge?
Yes of course, research has shown that the reason why most people are not able to travel to destinations of their choice is money. Helping Hands International rewards their members who completes stage 5 matrix with an all expenses paid trip abroad, and on top of that you earn a lot of money from stage 1-5 (from ASSOCIATE to PRIME MINISTER).
How long would it take before I could travel?
The question should be how long would it take you to complete your stage 5 matrix. And the answer is: We honestly believe it could take less than 3 months for you to attain your PRIME MINISTER'S STAGE if you are a serious minded person. If you have a very active team and you manage them very well, in less than 3 months you would have earned over a hundred thousand dollars $100,000, 2 brand new Car, House of your own, an internet ready LAPTOP, and qualify for one week all expenses paid trip with your partner.
How long before I get the car when I finally reach the car stage?
We make things easier for our members that is why we are in Partnership deal with HYUNDAI MOTORS Worldwide, for comfort and accessibility you will have you car delivered to you 3 weeks after your qualification.
Is the Prime Minister’s stage attainable in 3 months?
Definitely. We can assure you that if you bring two people who are also serious and they too do the same thing, the Prime Minister's stage is achievable in far less than 3 months. As you are on the track to achieving your prime minister's stage do not forget that you receive numerous payments along the way.
What would it cost me to become an associate?
To become our Help Partner, It will cost you a onetime payment of $40 only and nothing more, once you have paid $40 and have become an associate with our organization, you are now ready to be on the path to achieving your desired dream and becoming help agent, affecting and touching other people's lives.
What will I benefit after paying $40?
Helping Hands International is rich in Opportunity so is the possibilities are limitless. When you join our vision, you are not only going to make life changing amount of money, you will be empowered to touch and affect others around you by simply recommending people to be empowered and also among all other benefits you will get;
  • Brand New Cars (small and executive)
  • House of Your Own
  • FREE Internet Ready LAPTOP
  • Child Educational Fund
  • Trade and Skill Acquisition Training
  • Earn Great Income For Life
  • Source of Help for Less Privilege and The Needy.
  • Interest Free Loan Without Collateral
  • Assets and Property Support Opportunity
  • Free Master or Visa ATM card
How do I make payment or receive payments?
Depending on your country, you could make payment or receive payments from us through Direct bank deposit, Master or Visa Card payment and Online-Wallet
Do you accept any online payment processors?
We accept Ssolid Trust Pay. On request we may also make payment to you using any of the above payment methods. Please contact us regarding any of the above.
Where are your regional offices?
African Regional Office Coming Up Soon
European Regional Office Coming Up Soon

Please check here all the time as more offices will be added to the list. Note that payments can be received or made at any of the offices.
What are the benefits of running a regional office?
Before approval our representative will visit and access your office to ensure the office meets our standard. For every transaction facilitated from your office, including buying and selling of e-Currencies (online-wallet and perfect money), bank transfer, a suitable and predetermined commission is paid to your office. We also support your office with other costs.
How many members would I need directly under me?
Just two. However, you can bring as many as possible. There are benefits for doing this, you get 20% referral benefit and the more people you refer the more 20% you get (20% x 2, 6, or 10 ref.). That is not only benefit, you also get matching bonus each time your direct referrals completes any stage starting from stage 2, your total matching bonus from stage 2 to stage 5 is $5,300, so if you have 2 referrals who completes the 5 stages you get matching bonus of $5,300, for 6 referrals you will get $5,300 x 6 = $15,900, and for 10 direct referrals you get $26,500. So you see, the more people you registered directly under you the more money you make, What are you waiting for? Start referring as many people as you can, but that is not all, because those people directly under you also need two each directly under them in order for your matrix to be fill, we have what is known as: spill-over and spill-under.

Spill-over - in a 2x2 forced matrix, a maximum of two sales is all 'that is required directly below you, any subsequent sales made by you or those above you are forced down to your second level and beyond, causing a spill over.
Spill-under - When people directly under you also do sales, they help you to fill your 2x2 matrix, the spill-over and spill-under enable you to attain your prime minioster's stage very fast.
What if I register more than two?
Yeah, if you do it will be of great advantage to you in speed and earnings. Your matrix will fill faster with massive spill over and spill under. While others are earning $5,300 matching bonus for introducing 2, you will be earning $5,300 x number of pair referrals. And extra $8 referral bonus for each person you refer even when you attain stage 4 and above.
Can I have multiple Account?
Certainly yes, you can have 6, 10 or 12 accounts directly to your name, before you do that you must be sure you can refer 2 each under the rest accounts, else you will find it difficult to grow, But if you do and manage your accounts to have 2 each, then you will enjoy multiple referral bonuses and matching bonuses, above all it will cause massive spill-over and spill-under in your matrix making it fill faster.
How do I attain the Prime Minister’s stage?
When you join, you become an ASSOCIATE (foundation stage) you will be place on top of a 2 x 2 matrix where you'll be required to introduce 2 members and when these 2 introduced their 2 each making it 6 people in your matrix, you will be paid and your position is changed to MASTER'S status, likewise the 6 people in your matrix. This MASTER'S stage is a 2 x 5 matrix likewise stage 3 and 4, when your level 4 matrix is completely filled you be promoted to the last stage (Prime Minister) which is a 2 x 2 matrix, here you need just 6 like you did in stage one- ASSOCIATE, when this is completely filled you'll be paid over $103,000 plus all other incentives and benefit due to Prime Minister. As you completes the prime minister's matrix, you automatically re-entered back into this last stage again where you will be on top of the 2 x 2 matrix with 2 stars on you indicating your 2nd tenure or 3 stars indicating your 3rd tenure and so on. For this re-entry to happen, $500 will be deducted automatically from your last earnings.
Do I have a chance of becoming one of your directors?
Yes, becoming a director or Share Holder is the peak of our compensation plan and it's for peak performers. The prestigious position as a board of director is the most coveted position in our organization, and should be every members' goal.
How do I become a Share Holder and what are my benefits?
It's simple, when you complete Prime Minister's stage 6 times ( with star 6 ***) and on the 7th time you have the opportunity of becoming one of our directors, we shall contact you when you become our Trustee.
On the 7th time you will be placed on top of a "TRUSTEE" 2 x 3 matrix which require 2 in your 1st level. 4 on your 2nd level and 8 on your last level, when this 2 x 3 matrix is completely filled you will be contacted and a congratulatory mail will sent to you and all benefits paid.
Find below the benefits of a Trustee (director;
  • Trustee Bonus (paid once) --- $80,000
  • Enjoy global profit pool yearly.($10,000)
  • Residual Income for Life—($10,000)
  • Become a director in charge of the next-in-line-country to be Launched. Earning 1% commission on all signed ups from such country.
  • Automatic yearly qualification to attend our AGM in Abroad
  • As a director, you are entitled to recommend yearly
    - 2 Orphans from any Orphanage home (in your neighbouhood) for scholarship award.
    - Scholarship Award for 2 people who must be from your religious settings that you belong (church or mosque)
All of these people shall be empowered same day after being investigated.

NOTE: For you to attain this DIRECTOR position, 4 of your direct referrals must be on this matrix (2x 3), which means that 4 members you directly refer must be somewhere from level 1-3 of your 2 x 3 TRUSTEE matrix.

This is the goal of every of our help partners, go for it and become a director, board of TRUSTEE members of our Multi-billion dollar Corporation.

      Call/whatsapp me via +233503506723

            LIVE YOUR DREAM!!!


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