Thursday 14 April 2016

About Us

Helping hands international(H2i) is an empowerment-based- membership program, a global opportunity born out of the passion for total human capacity development and for helping the less privileged.
Experience our beautiful world, as helping HANDS International gives you the definite touch that you need for the indefinitel Empowerment of yourself and the people around you.
Not only do we empower your life, we also work with you and through you for the empowerment of others - by you simply recommending H2i to your loved ones(Family and friends) for help and empowerment......WELCOME TO OUR WORLD OF ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES!

Mrs. Luzviminda Mac-Elvis

Founder, CEO 
I am a simple lady of little beginning who has enjoyed the mercy and grace of God. My growth experience has shown me that irrespective of background, location or education, you can still achieve your dreams. All we need is a helping Hand. Someone genuinely interested in his fellow man, who is ready to go the extra mile to make the next person believe that he can be what God made Him to be. My heart pants consistently for the down trodden. I can't turn away from the less privileged.
My vision is to help the helpless and empower the weak.Helping Hands International(H2i) is my vision and with it we shall change the world, one at a time.Yes! You and I can change the world.You and I can and will make it happen for others. Our contributions, no matter how small is enough. For what you think is small might be what the next door neighbour needs to move to the next level. No matter how poor you think you are, you are rich enough to give a helping Hands, for help is not all about money.There are virtues more valuable than money and we all are endowed in one way or the other with them!. Together lets give a helping Hands! 

Dr. Ramiel Policarpio

 I am a dentist. I love people and believe in the abundance of God's creation. His love can only be experienced through a selfless service directed towards humanity irrespective of race or colour. Our lives can only be really meaningful if we learn to share our resources with others. Resources may not be money. At times, it could be something much more valuable than money. I mean-your time, skill, knowledge or even the fruit of your heart-love and kindness. I invite you to join our young organisation, Helping Hands International (H2i) and become that Solution that the next door neighbor needs today. Together, step by step, little effort here, little effort there, we shall change the world.

Dr Timothy Odeghe (an Optomologist)       
 The African Regional Representative of H2i
“My name is Dr. Timothy Odeghe, a graduate of Optometry in University of Benin, Nigeria. I must say that my involvement with H2i is divine, I never knew that it will amount to something massive and impactful as we now can see in Helping Hands International. H2i is truly God given vision, with it we shall reduce poverty and unemployment rate in Africa. We are here to stay”

1 comment:

  1. How real is this? Å friend just sent me your program that I should register with 40$
