Thursday 14 April 2016

Eight Reasons Helping Hands is Unique..

 1. No product! No monthly dues to keep you active. Just a one-off donation of $40. You are empowered by the system to empower others. Instead of giving people fish, Helping Hands strengthens you to teach them how to stand on their own by earning along the way.

2: You can't abandon your down lines. You must support them even if they"re not growing. They must grow for you to rise.

3: It's about the cheapest and easiest to succeed in.$40 with 2 down lines who are expected to also bring in their own 2 and the chain continues.

4: It's addictive because it is interesting.

5: There are so many active centres across Nigeria, Ghana and some part of the world where you can send your prospects to learn more.

6: Helping Hands can be completely done from home without stepping outside. I can train you on how to do that. I made more progress prospecting with my phone than meeting people one on one.

7: It is easy to understand the concept behind Helping Hands. Here is my explanation in brief is this:::::::::::

8: Helping Hands is the only MLM in World that has a unique bonding amongst it's Help Partners. In one uniform we learn and earn together with joy and dignity.
The Giver or Helper's hand is always on top. Just like you can't give what u don't have, you can't help the poor by being one of them. So H2i wants to empower you MORE so you can reach out to more people. This is the basic ideology behind Helping hands!

Come join us today!!!! Hurry what are you waiting for????
Call/Whatapp Now>>>>> +233503506723


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