Thursday 14 April 2016


Image result for dollars This incridible, Unbeatable, And Highly Profitable, Marketing Plan, Designed By Promoters For Promoters And Nothing Like It Anywhere!


Our Unbeatable compensation plan is a Forced 2x 2 and 2 x 5 Matrix marketing System, where every member is required to refer 2 members each, every additional sign ups(referrals) will cause a spill over making the matrix to fill faster.
It is a follow me matrix with spill over and spill under effect.
With our innovative marketing plan members earn in 5 different stages and as they progress from stage to stage they earn and get life changing rewards Entry fee is a onetime payment of $40, sponsorship bonus of 20% is paid to members who refer any paid member, that is to say $8 is paid to anyone who signs up another with his referral link. Members can refer as many new members as they can, by so doing they earn more money and it also help to cause a spill over in their network.
This compensation plan consist of 5 stages of payment, stage one is a 2 x 2 feeder matrix, stage 2,3, 4 is 2 x 5 matrix and lastly stage 5 is another 2 x 2.




It is simply a forced matrix which has a spill over and spill under effect.
The 5 stages are;
  • Stage 1 is called ASSOCIATE
  • Stage 2 is called MASTER
  • Stage 3 is called SUPER MASTER
  • Stage 4 is called MINISTER
  • And Stage 5 is called PRIME MINISTER

Stage 1 - Associate

ASSOCIATE is a 2 x 2 matrix which serves as a feeder matrix, feeding stage 2 to stage 5 of this compensation plan. when the 2 x 2 get filled, You automatically promoted to stage 2 likewise everybody on the board, once their matrix is filled they get promoted to stage 2 which is a 2 x 5 matrix and they are paid as they progress. A referral bonus of $16 is paid for introducing 2 or $48 for introducing 6 new members, Plus matrix bonus of $10 paid when the 2 x 2 matrix get filled. So you earn either $26 or $58 as the case nay be.
Every member start their own matrix occupying the top position, even if they are part of their up line's matrix.
Stage 1 MATRIX BONUS == $10
Total bonus paid in stage 1= $26

Stage 2 - Masters Matrix.

This is the first 2 x 5 matrix and everybody here must have passed through the feeder matrix – the ASSOCIATE stage. And because it is a follow me matrix, anybody underneath you in your matrix can jump from under to cause a spill under to fill till the up-uplink matrix;
NOTE;Matching Bonus start from stage 2 with 10% paid to upline when direct referrals completes stage 2.
And 5% from stage 3-5. $150 to upline in stage3, $300 to upline in stage 4 and $600 in stage 5.
Stage 2 matrix bonus is $1000 cash, earnings paid from level 1-5 of matrix Stage –
Level 1 = Nil
Level 2---- $100,
Level 3 – 200$,
Level 4 = $300
Level 5 - $400

Total MATRIX BONUS = $1000

Additional incentives when the matrix is filled,

  • A CUG PHONE - on process with a reliable Telecommunication company
  • 10% Matching bonus to uplink
As you get promoted to stage3. Since matrix bonus paid out when stage2 filled up is $1000, Your uplink gets 10% ($100) simultamously.

Stage 3 – Super Masters Matrix

This is the second 2 x 5 matrix, as you complete stage 2, stage 3 is formed with you on top starting the 2 x 5 matrix.
The matrix bonus paid out in this stage is $3000 breaking down into –

$200 in level1
$300 in level2
$500 in level 3
$500 – level4
$1500 – level 5

A total of $3000 is paid out in this stage, and as this is happening your position is automatically changed to occupy the top position of stage4. You will be paid $3000 matrix bonus, while your uplink gets $150 - 5% matching bonus

Additional Incentives:
  • 1st brand new car (Hyundai)-- $10,000
  • Empowerment for 2 people on recommendation ($1000 each) ---- $2,000.
  • 5% Matching Bonus to uplink ---- $150

Stage 4- Minister

This is the last stage of 2 x 5 matrix, you are positioned here, starting from the top of the matrix, the matrix get filled downward from level1to level 5 and as each level gets filled you are paid from level to level causing cash flow for you and others. The matrix bonus here is $6000, $3000 paid from level 1-4 and the balance of $4000 is paid when the matrix is completed.
What a cash generating system!
Here is the levels breakdown; 
Level 1 = $300
Level 2 = $300
Level 3 = $500
Level 4 = $900
Level 5 = $4000
TOTAL = $6,000 Matching bonus of 5% =$300 is paid to uplink automatically.
Additional Incentives:
  • Executive car (Hyundai Jeep) --- over $27,000
  • Empowerment for 1 Motherless Home
  • Interest FREE Loan (up to $12,000) – on request
  • 5% Matching Bonus to uplink --- $ 300.

Stage 5 – Prime Minister 
This is the last stage of our compensation plan and it's a 2 x 2 forced matrix with a spill over and spill under, when you completes stage4, you are promoted to start this 2 x 2 matrix with you on top.
The bonus in this stage is $12,000 and its paid in 2 levels:
Level 1 = $2,000
Level 2 = $ 10,000
Total = $12,000
5% matching bonus of $600 is paid to up link.
Additional Incentives

  • Housing fund -$40,000.
  • All Expense paid Int'l Trip
  • Educational Fund ( $2,000.)
  • Yearly Infinity Bonus ($5,000).
  • 5% Matching Bonus to uplink ($600).
  • Elite Club members Loan (Up to 44,000)
You earn and collect the incentives above over and over and over again as you complete each re-entry. (reentry fee = $500)

Here, immediately the Prime Minister's matrix is completed, YOU are re-entered again into stage 5 Matrix, a re-entry fee of $500 is automatically deducted from your earnings to position you for another round of payment, incentives, plus qualify for more benefits. You will need another 6 followers to collect another round of entitlement. Now each time you emerged as a "Prime Minister" after completing the matrix, You are automatically re-entered back into the existing stage 5 matrix with 3 existing members on it. You come under from the left hand side as number 4 on the 2nd level of the matrix (your downlinks), whereas on your dashboard you are on top of your matrix with 2 stars **, indicating 2nd tenure on Prime Minister's stage (xxx-3stars- indicating 3rdtenure) until you have 6 stars(******) 

Board of Trustee 
This is how to get there: Becoming a Trustee is a privileged pack for our committed members, it aimed at bringing them close to the organization, bringing them to board, board of directors.
This is how to get there:
On your 7th tenure of your PM, you will be entered into a new matrix called TRUSTEE, it is 2 x 3 matrix, this will qualify you to join board of trustee, and become one of our directors, with mouthwatering benefits that comes with being a board of trustee members.

The Board of TRUSTEE is a prestigious position and it's highly coveted position, any smart Associate or member will do anything to get there. Getting there is easier especially when you are already a prime minister in our ranking.

On the 7th time you will be placed on top of a "TRUSTEE" 2 x 3 matrix which require 2 in your 1st level. 4 on your 2nd level and 8 on your last level, when this 2 x 3 matrix is completely filled you will be contacted and a congratulatory mail will sent to you and all benefits paid.
Find below the benefits of a Trustee (director):
  • Trustee Bonus (paid once) --- $80,000
  • Enjoy global profit pool yearly.($10,000)
  • Residual Income for Life—($10,000)
  • Become a director in charge of the next-in-line-country to be Launched. (With 1% commission on all sign ups from such country)
  • Automatic yearly qualification to attend our AGM in Hawaii U S A or Paris
  • As a director, you are entitled to recommend yearly:
    - 2 Orphans from any Orphanage home (in your neighbourhood) for scholarship award.
    - Scholarship Award for 2 people who must be from your religious settings that you belong (church or mosque)All of these people shall be empowered same day after being investigated.

  • NOTE: The Condition for Criteria: For you to attain this DIRECTOR position, 4 of your direct referrals must be on this matrix (2 x 3), which means that 4 members you directly refer must be somewhere from level 1-3 of your 2 x 3 TRUSTEE matrix.

    This is the goal of every of our help partners, go for it and become a director, board of TRUSTEE members of our Multi-billion dollar Corporation.  

    Call/whatsapp me via +233503506723

    How It Works


    When you join our vision of given a helping hand to the needy, less privilege, widow, motherless and the disabled, you become our help partner and as our partner will believe in making your life meaningful.

    The touch and empowerment that we give begins with you. We affect your (our members) life first, change your life for the better and empower you financially. When you pay a onetime membership fee of $40, you become our partner and have the privilege of enjoying among other things;

    • Interest free LOAN
      - Business loan
      - Elite Club members loan
    • Humanitarian services - Check our product and services page for details
    • Asset/Property support service
    • Trade and skill acquisition service
    • Income opportunity
    • Free internet ready LAPTOP
    • Brand new car
    • Yearly global pool
    • House of your own
    • All expenses paid trip
    • Infinity Bonus
    • Residual income for life
    • Free educational fund for your children
    Now because we want to touch and empower people globally, members are required to introduce at least two (2) persons and this two (2) will have to do same to enjoy all benefit listed above plus others in our compensation plan and reward.
    Our system works in a binary 2 x 2 and 2 x 5 matrix. As our help partner you are in a 2 x 2 matrix which Is "Associate stage. The stage is a feeder matrix feeding the rest 2 x 5 stages. It is a forced matrix with spill-over and spill-under effect- which means that the width is not more than 2 and every additional referrals will be forced down into your matrix, causing massive spill over and still under, making your matrix to fill faster. It is the best in the industry and highly profitable. That is why it is easy for our members to start making money immediately.
    Members earn money in 5 stages and are paid in 12 multiple ways.
    Our compensation plan is highly profitable and unbeatable, the highest in the MLM industry, it is meant to cause regular cash flow for our members. Most companies that run the same matrix system only pay their members when the matrix is filled, but here - No, we don't want you to wait for your matrix to get filled before you are paid. We pay you every level and also when your matrix is completely filled. This is cash flow system check our unbeatable compensation plan for details.

    The 5 stages are:
    • Stage 1 is called ASSOCIATE
    • Stage 2 is called MASTER’S
    • Stage 3 is called SUPER MASTER
    • Stage 4 is called MINISTER
    • Stage 5 is called PRIME MINISTER

    Stage 1 - ASSOCIATE

    AAs an ASSOCIATE member your helping hands international account is enabled to sponsor and introduce others with your referral link or direct referring. You can then introduce at least 2 and these 2 introduce their own 2 each. You get 20% ($8) for each person you introduced. So if you introduce all 6 in your foundation matrix, you get $8 x 6 = $48 instantly plus $10 matrix bonus making it a total of $58. If you introduced at least 2 members - you make $26, giving you 80% of your investment back same day. Incredible right?, how much more when you introduce all 6 in your matrix, You will make $58 that is over 150% return-wonderful! So what you waiting for call friends and relations, refer as many as you can and rake in good money.
    When the 2 you brought also brought 2 each direct or indirectly with the help of spill-over effect.

    As you collect your matrix bonus, your account status is automatically set to. 


    As those in your matrix (6 in total) fills their matrix and collect their associate matrix bonus (at least $24), they follow you down to masters stage which is a 2 by 5 forced matrix, with the spill under effect your matrix is filled faster, because with this matrix system, you don't lose your matrix members. Unlike breakaway or board splitting system where all your downlinks are scattered, making it difficult for you to grow. As your direct and indirect passes through the feeder matrix, they collect $26 (if they refer only 2) and you will collect $1,000 as your matrix bonus.

    NB: The system causes a regular cash flow for members, you don't have to wait for the matrix to get filled. You collect money as you progresses and another when its completely filled.
    In addition to $1,000, you get FREE laptop (or ipad) to enhance your online success.

    MATCHING BONUS: Is another way for members to earn from their direct referrals. You get 10% match each time your direct referral completes a stage, 10% of $1,000 = $100 is paid to direct up line. Matching bonus runs from stage 2 to 5.

    As this is happening your helping hand account is automatically changed to;


    As those in your 2 x 5 matrix turn master, you will receive $1,500 from level 1-5 and another $1,500 when the matrix is filled up three things will happen simultaneously
    1. As you get paid the balance of $1,500
    2. Your direct uplink will receive Matching Bonus of $150 and
    3. Your status will automatically change to Super Master
    You get a brand new Hyundai ix10 (worth over $10,000)
    You will be required to recommend two persons to for empowerment. Both will receive $1000 each. Now, you are not only changing your life but you are affecting lives of others and changing their lives for the better. It's a priceless service. Whether you make yourself available to a friend or co-worker, or less privilege, there is nothing that harvests more of a feeling of empowerment than being of service to someone in need.

    Give a helping hand today! Invite someone to join us today!!
    As those in your matrix turn Super Master you will receive $2000 from level 1-5 of the matrix and another $4000 when your matrix is completed, Totaling = $6,000 matrix bonus, simultaneously your uplink will receive $300 as matching bonus and your position changed to Prime Minister.
    In addition to cash bonus of $6000, you will get.
    • An executive Hyundai worth over $27,000 (delivered to you 3 weeks of your qualification)
    • $1,000 empowerment for one motherless home or disabled home in your neighborhood.
    • Interest FREE Loan due – up to $12,000 (no collateral is required)


    This is the last stage and its just 2 x 2 Matrix, when 6 members of your previous matrix join you in prime minister's stage, you will receive $12,000 paid in two levels, and 5% matching to your upline.
    $2000 paid as you fill your level 1
    Plus another
    $10,000 paid when the matrix completely filled up (that is level 2).
    As you completes the last stage (prime minister's stage) you get all necessary reward and incentives as follows:
    • International trip
    • Housing fund
    • Educational fund
    • Yearly infinity bonus
    • Yearly Elite Club members loan (up to $44,000)
    Plus a re-entry into prime minister's stage again and again Enjoy more benefits and incentives again and again as matrix is being filled. Each time there is a re-entry into prime minister's Matrix, $500 is being deducted automatically and such status is changed with star two (**) indicating second tenure, third tenure entry is Star 3 (***), this is to differentiate a Prime Minister from 2nd tenure or 3rd tenure prime minister or 4th up to the 6th tenure prime minister.

    When a prime minister attain the 6th star level, as he is about to start the 7th tenure he is given an opportunity occupy one of our prestigious position as a Director(TRUSTEE). Board of TRUSTEE is a most coveted position in Helping Hands International, with mouthwatering and enticing benefits and lots of luxuries and fulfillment packages.


    Members who completes Prime Minister's stage 6 time and on the 7th tenure he is entered into a new 2 x 3 matrix called TRUSTEE MATRIX will have the privilege of becoming our Board Member- one of our Directors.
    To enter into TRUSTEE STAGE, such a member must have completed prime minister's stage 6 times(with 6 start****** indicating the number of times as a prime minister).
    On the 7th time you will be placed on top of a "TRUSTEE" 2 x 3 matrix which require 2 in your 1st level. 4 on your 2nd level and 8 on your last level, when this 2 x 3 matrix is completely filled you will be contacted and a congratulatory mail will sent to you and all benefits paid.

    Find below the benefits of a Trustee (director):

  • Trustee Bonus (paid once) --- $80,000
  • Enjoy global profit pool yearly.($10,000)
  • Residual Income for Life—($10,000)
  • Become a director in charge of the next-in-line-country to be Launched- (With 1% commission on all sign ups from such country)
  • Automatic yearly qualification to attend our AGM Abroad.
  • As a director, you are entitled to recommend yearly:
    - 2 Orphans from any Orphanage home (in your neighbouhood) for scholarship award.
    - Scholarship Award for 2 people who must be from your religious settings that you belong (church or mosque)All of these people shall be empowered same day after being investigated.

  • NOTE:For you to attain this DIRECTOR position, 4 of your direct referrals must be on this matrix (2x 3), which means that 4 members you directly refer must be somewhere from level 1-3 of your 2 x 3 TRUSTEE matrix.

    This is the goal of every of our help partners, go for it and become a director, board of TRUSTEE members of our Multi-billion dollar Corporation.

      Call/whatsapp me via +233503506723

    Those who want to make it in life never wait to be PUSH by the achievers. 3year Old qualifies for a laptop in H2i Cote de Voire

    Stop playing with your destiny. You are a winner!!! Just believe!!! With just one time payment of $40 (160GHC) then you are elegible to the above mentioned incentive and lots more. PROUDLY supported by Apple, HP, Hyundai motor, Glo, Diamond. TESTIMONIES ABOUND! Can someone tell what can happen to this 3years old boy in the video above in 3month time with what H2i have started in is life ???????? Whatsapp: +233503506723

    Great advice from the Richest person in China Mr. Jack Ma.

     Jack Ma says, "Please tell your children that the world is changing every day and no one is going to wait for you in the past.
    When lighter was invented, matches slowly disappeared.
    When calculator was created, abacus was to fade away.

    When digital camera was designed, the market of negative film no longer existed. When direct market selling/internet-based selling arises, traditional marketing declines.
    When smartphone with 4G (wireless internet access) was introduced to the world, you no longer need to turn on your computer at home.
    When WeChat and WhatsApp (mobile text/voice/video messaging) are developed, traditional text messaging is no longer as popular as before.
    Let's not to blame "Who took over Whose business." It's only because people are more adjustable and adaptable to new ideas and changes in the world.
    Someone asks Jack Ma, "What is your secret for success?" He says, "Really simple...I am doing (action) while you're only watching."
    Please remember that the world keeps changing every day.
    If you don't change, you'll be left behind. You reap what you sow with your time.
    If you spend time to drink, you may become an alcoholic.
    If you spend time to complain, you may become a blamer.
    If you spend time to beautify yourself, you may become a pretty girl/handsome guy.
    If you spend time to stay healthy, you may enjoy a healthy good life.
    If you spend time to be picky, you may become a 'mean' person.
    If you spend time to learn, you may gain wisdom.
    If you spend time with your family, you may foster a warm and loving relationship with your loved ones.
    Pass this message on to those you care!


    I am writing this to introduce to you and your entire sphere of contact to a lasting, sure, reliable and the fastest way to financial empowerment and freedom in our world today. It’s an empowerment system that is reliable and forever sustainable; it is called Helping Hands International (H2i).

    Helping Hands International’s vision is to help and globally empower people financially. Our vision is to touch lives of people (non members) through our members, to the end that they’ll be skillfully empowered FREE OF CHARGE, thereby creating wealth and job opportunities for themselves.

    By you registering TODAY to be a help partner of H2i with a one-time payment of $40 which is N6,600 you and every person around you, whether in your church- as a pastor or not, school, group, family, e.t.c, can be financially empowered for life and have access to free ipads, laptops , housing fund , 2 Cars and much more, all for free. These and many more incentives and lots of cash are given to you at various stages (stage 1 to stage 5); mind you, you NEVER have to pay any additional money to get these things, and no selling of products either.

    Considering the present unemployment situation in our country, H2i is presently the easiest and fastest way to earn money and get a brand new car within 12months or less. It is true, N6,600 can get you a brand new car. All you have to do is to;

    [1] Register one or multiple accounts,

    [2] Start referring people around you and start earning immediately.

    It is a simple and a straight forward system. H2i is spreading around the country very fast, it started December 2013, presently more than 30 cars , thousands of laptops and ipads, free international trip and much more has been given to people(average Nigerians).

    Call/Whatapp on +233503506723



    Helping Hands International is a global membership non-governmental charity organization
    The founders of the organization are Mrs Mac- Elvis Luzviminda and Dr. Ramiel  Policarpio (both from the Philippines)

    Helping Hands International was created with the vision of helping the needy and the less privilege around the world through its humanitarian service.

    Helping hands International was created to empower its member through a global financial empowerment network system

    Helping hands International also empowers its member through its FREE  skills acquisition training programme.

    Helping Hands International also empowers its members through its recognition award incentives packages and its interest free loan plan.

    Helping hands international is in partnership with reputable multinational companies like Apple Inc. (California , USA ) ; HYUNDAI Motor company ( South Korea ); and HP company (USA),

    Helping Hands International operates its humanitarian and empowerment services in most Asian and Middle East countries.

    Presently, Helping Hands Int’l has given out 15 brand new HYUNDAI Elantra cars and over 2000 Apple ipads and HP Laptops in Nigeria to qualified members.

    The payment plan of helping hands International is an INSTANT PAYMENT system.
    Helping Hands International pays you through the E-wallet payment system.

    There are 5 stages (which compromise 19 levels) and the director/trustee stage in h2i membership hierarchy

    There are 12 different ways through which you make money and get other benefits from our network marketing Investment System;

    Referral Bonus : Each time you personally introduce a new person to join h2i, a payment of  $8 is credited to your account.

    Matrix Bonus: Each time you graduate from one stage to the next, a matrix bonus of  between $26 to $12,000 is credited to your account. The matrix bonus of a director is $80,000

    Matching Bonus: Each time the persons you personally introduced graduate from one stage to the next, a bonus of between 5% and 10% is credited to your account based on the matrix stages. (This is paid from stage 2 upward)

    Laptops and ipads Award: when you graduate from stage 2 to stage 3 an  HP laptop or apple ipad is awarded to you.

    First car Award: when you graduate from stage 3 to stage 4, a brand new HYUNDAI Elantra Car  is awarded to you.

    Second Car Award: When you graduate from stage 4 to stage 5, a second brand new executive HYUNDAI Ix35 Jeep is awarded to you.

    Assets and Property Support Fund: When you attain stage 4 you have the opportunity to apply for a 70% funding of any asset or property you wish to acquire (up to the cost of $12,000). This fund is made available to you, and must be paid back within 12months depending on the MoU reached with our organization.

    Business loan: When you attain stage 4, you can get up to $12,000. Interest – free loan on request. This loan is paid back within 12 month depending on the MoU reached with our agreement.

    Project Loan: This second category of loan is accessible when you attain stage 5. It is called Elite club member’s loan. You have the opportunity to access up $44,000 loan from our organization. This must be paid back under 12 months depend on the MoU reached with the Organization.

    International Trip: When you attain stage 5, you qualify for the yearly free oversea holiday trip.

    Housing Fund: At the completing of your stage 5, a sum of $40,000 is credited to your account in regard to the “Own your Own House” policy of the organization.

    Infinity Bonus: When you have completed the stage 5 matrix, a sum of $5,000 is paid to you once every year.

    When you become a director, your infinity  bonus is increased to $10,000 paid to you once every year. You also enjoy a yearly global profit pool of $10,000. As a director you are also entitled to 1% commission on members from the next-in-line country to be launched.
    The Philippine office of Helping hands international;
    653- caballero st, Donia Belen
    Sabd sto. cristo

    Angels city phillipine c- 2009

    . African Head office:

    Goodluck Jonathan Housing staion,

    Isheri- LASU  Road

    Behind Egbeda Police station,

    Egbeda Lagos, Nigeria.

    Call/whatsapp me via +233503506723